Sunday, October 12, 2014

Final Thoughts on Global Perspectives Class

One of the resources from this class that was really thought provoking was the watching the movies Babies because it really made me question what I thought was best practices for young children.  I still believe in best practices in the child care setting, but I think it is critical that teachers have a deep understanding of culture and family values in order to meet their needs.  Watching this movie caused me to really begin to think about what is most important in the life of a child.  It is relationships with the family, being loved and cared about, and lastly developing holistically.  the children in this movie all end the first year of life with similar development skills, but they had very different journeys.

My inspiration in this class was directly linked to my research project.  Linking the research to the knowledge base about the amount of time children spend outdoors was absolutely inspirational.  Children need 120 minutes outdoors and in Oklahoma children rarely get more than 30 to 60 minutes most days.  I am linking my Childhood Obesity Power Point here to share some additional information about outdoor time and the potential to preventing childhood obesity.

Here is the link to the Let's Move Child Care website.  Great information as well as resources are available here for both teachers and parents.

Please take a look at this information it is really inspiring.  

The current research that most challenged my thinking was the information I read about the government choosing in Spain to ensure that all children have access to universal pre-K in the setting the parents choose so it is not just in public school settings, but also in child care programs.  This is something that is not happening in United States and it is critical that we make some hard decisions about access and quality in this country.  Here is a great article about access from the Office of Administration on Children and Families, Office of Child Care

Here are few great quotes 

It is our role as scholar practitioners to be advocates for all young children!!!


  1. Jill, I wish you well in your pursuit of your goals. Obesity is a very important cause for children. I visit the Let's Move sight often just to find ways to improve our status at home. Isn't is strange how the education system continues to minimize things that help kids become fully engaged and well-adapted in all areas? I find it difficult to fit time into our family lifestyle to exercise for the recommended time period. I have to pay extra money to find activities for my kids to get active. I use the information you shared in my classroom routine to build stronger, healthy young people. On rainy days, I like to play the instructional let's move video and my students love it.

  2. Jill,
    I, too, like watching the documentary film babies and I agree with you that no matter how different a baby is raised, as long as they are loved and cared, they will grow up happily and healthily. I especially favor your second quote that “we open the doors of opportunity to every child and help provide them the skills they need to get ahead and realize their dreams”. It is thought provoking and inspiring!
